

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Here's the deal...

I haven't been posting much. To those of you that follow our blog and check in often, I apologize for the silence. To be real, I'm exhausted. We're exhausted. Unfortunately, there just hasn't been much to update about. We've had a few random "early connections" that have quickly dissipated. We always hold out hope that one will find it's way back to us, but that hope is also quickly dissipating. I've tried my hardest to stay strong and positive for nearly five years. And the past few months have been really wearing on me. I'm less patient with the process. I'm becoming more unsettled about our future with children. I don't want it to seem like "giving up", more like "moving on". We're not there yet...but its in discussion. Our contract with Angel Adoption expires on December 9th. At that time, we will evaluate our current situation and spend the new year either mourning a failed journey, to move forward in life without children. Or, we will mourn our failed journey with Angel Adoption and make new plans for our family. We're not putting a time limit on it. Or making any decisions now. But it is nice to have December 9th as a starting point to decide what's next.

It'd be so weird to come this far, and end with nothing.