

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Nora Wynn Meek

She's here! 

Nora Wynn Meek was born at 4:32 pm on Friday, July 29th. Weighing in at 6 pounds 3 ounces and 20" tall. 
She's absolutely beautiful and we are completely and undeniably in love. I will write of her birth story soon, but wanted to let all of you know that she's here and she's perfect. 
God is good. Grateful doesn't even touch our emotion. 

With joy,

Anne, Jim, and Nora 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The waiting game

We've been in Georgia since Saturday evening. All is well - we thought today might be the day as Ayanna's blood pressure is really high. We spent time at the clinic and the hospital. Luckily, they sent Ayanna home with some blood pressure medicine in hopes baby can cook until 38 weeks (Monday). 
In the meantime, we have spent a part of each day with Ayanna and her girls. We are glad we are here. We love spending time together and being here to support Ayanna in any way we can. Our hearts are hopeful and anxious to meet little girl. We will do our best to keep you posted via this blog and texts/phone calls. We feel your prayers and we are grateful. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Last night at home

Momma took a picture of us before she drove away with Leonard. Our last picture of just the two of us at home. 
This afternoon Jim and I took a much-needed nap. Leonard at the foot of the bed and Lilly came in and slept on my side. I thanked God for the moment of reminding us how beautiful our small little family has been for so many years. And I was very aware that the next time we're all laying in our bed we will be a family of five. We are so blessed.

It takes a village

Whelp, looks like we are heading to Georgia TOMORROW! Doctors don't think she will make it to 8/08, and it's just too important to us to be there, than to cross our fingers and wait. 
As you can imagine, our stress and anxiety levels skyrocketed since we thought we had another week and a half to plan and purchase items. Thankfully, our village is strong. Within 4 hours, we had a changing pad, crib mattress, swaddle blankets, wipes, pacifiers, newborn clothes, and more. 
It takes a village. It always has. Our village is strong. And we are grateful. 
We promise to keep you posted. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Baby Registry

Some of you have asked about registries. Yes, we are registered. We have a few things, but defiantely not all of the essentials. If you wish to purchase from any of our registries, you can find them listed on the following link. http://babyli.st/baby-meek
We can't say it enough...thank you for all of your love and support.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Anne meets Ayanna

First of all, a huge thanks to Meg and Brandon for not only hosting me this past weekend, but for making arrangements to travel 3 hours each way on Saturday. Your support through all of this adventure is greatly appreciated. And thank you to everyone that called, emailed, or texted us this past weekend; wishing us love, encouragement, support and prayers for a good visit. Your prayers were answered.

Ayanna and I spent several hours together on Saturday, July 9th in Georgia. As I pulled in the driveway, I could barely contain my excitement. Maybe 98% excited, 2% scared... or the other way around, I'm not sure. As soon as she walked out, we hugged. I needed that. I brought some small gifts, and a letter that Jim wrote to Ayanna since he wasn't there to meet her. Throughout lunch we talked about our families, our friends, baby girl, birth plan, adoption plan, transracial adoption, etc. Ayanna is so caring and kind. Traits I know baby girl will carry from her; and that makes my heart happy. We walked around the local mall just chatting, joking and laughing, just like old friends. When I dropped her off at home, and pulled out of the driveway, I immediately started to sob. God had answered my prayers. Every detail of our visit was exactly as I had prayed. I was overwhelmed with emotion.

As I was pulling up to the restaurant Meg had been sitting at for hours, I received a text from Ayanna. It read:
Just read the letter. After meeting you today and reading that I know I am making the right decision. And I'm happy to experience this with you and for you to have something that you have always wanted. Drive safely!
What's next? Jim and I head back to Georgia in 3 short weeks for the birth of our daughter. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we get through these next few weeks, and of course the unpredictability of the adoption process.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Georgia on My Mind

"Georgia, Georgia
The whole day through
Just an old sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind"

This Friday I head to Georgia to meet Ayanna, the birthmother we have been connected with since early May. I'm not nervous. I am anxious. I am anxious to meet the woman that has become such a close friend in such a short time. The courageous woman that wants only the best for her unborn daughter, and sacrifices her happiness to provide it. The woman that is carrying this sweet baby girl that we hope to raise as our own in a few short weeks. I am anxious to meet the woman that is my hero.

I've been praying to God for all the details surrounding this meeting. For calmness of all involved. For Ayanna to feel and believe the support, love, trust and gratefulness we have for her. For this to be the beginning of a growing relationship for our daughter. That we will always be a part of each others life; sharing our families and learning from one another. For God to keep Ayanna and baby girl protected until it is time for baby to enter this world, and continue to protect for all of their days. I thank God for all the blessings He has provided for us.