

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

In my mind I'm going to Carolina. . .

We had a lovely visit in NC this past weekend. Our flights were a breeze (which is incredible, actually, because we were flying Delta, which had cancelled 1,500 flights just days before and the aftermath was still very evident).  

We arrived in NC around noon, and grabbed a bite to eat, and freshened up (gotta make a good impression, i.e. not stink!). We drove to Dinesha’s house that was only a few miles down the road. She was outside with King, her son. We hugged on the porch and went inside to catch up. We had brought King some Batman toys that he was eager to play with. We sat on the floor, playing with King, and just talking. After about an hour, we loaded up the car and headed to Chuck E. Cheese. I hadn’t been to a CEC in about 30 years. It hasn’t changed... at all. In fact, most of the rides are exactly the same! Don’t you remember the one that looks like a bike with a parachute on it, and you pedal as it lifts you about 10’ off the ground?! Yeah, that’s still there. Anyway, we played games and got enough tickets for King to get a bag full of tootsie rolls; for which he was very pleased.  After Chuck E. Cheese, we went to dinner, and back to their house.  

The next day, Jim and I ran some errands just getting familiar with the area. We met up with King and Dinesha around 2:30 and packed a picnic lunch to take to the park. Jim and King were busy kicking around a ball that we brought for him, while Dinesha and I sat in the shade talking about adoption and future plans. We laughed, we joked, we talked important stuff. It was really, really nice. After about 4 hours, we headed back to her house so King could nap (and in reality, Jim and I needed one, too). We said our goodbyes, and were sad to have to leave after such a quick visit.

 When we checked out of the hotel at 4 am Monday, the receptionist had a bag that was dropped off for us. It was a gift bag that said “It’s a Boy!” with onesies picked out by Dinesha and King, some stuffed animals that have personal meaning to us through past conversations, and a Mother’s Day card with a loving note. We left NC feeling so warm and overjoyed. The weekend couldn’t have gone any better. We feel very fortunate to have found each other. Our blended family will be something very special and we are anxious to meet baby boy in 6-8 weeks.

 Thank you for your continued prayers.


Anne & Jim


  1. I am beyond thrilled hearing about this weekend and this very special birth mom. I look forward to meeting her someday and thanking her in person. North Carolina has always had a beloved place in all our Walker hearts and now it is even more so. Prayers for all. Love you! MOM

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this good news! Can't wait to meet your little boy! Love, Kathy
